Friday 5 October 2012

My first day on... Guild Wars 2!

Yesterday I bought the game 'Guild Wars 2'.

The easiest way to describe the game is : World of Warcraft but without monthly fee. A MMO with other words. You buy the game in the stores, install it and you appear in a huge online world. You do quests and kill monsters to gain experience points, to gain a higher level and get stronger. I'm pretty sure that all my blog readers know how such games work... After quitting Flyff I didn't think I'd ever start such kind of a game again but Guild Wars 2 interested me.

Guild Wars 2 is a recently released game. I don't really know how to describe it but... The game is made for the current generation of gamers. Anything that could annoy a player, is solved. The first example that pops in my mind is the inventory. You can store all your crafting materials away so they don't take space. Another example is the loot. Loot is individual, so you can't 'steal' anyone's loot, nor do you have to share. If a boss monster appears, it's not a problem if someone comes to help you out. How more people are around a boss, how stronger it'll be. There are more things like this. Small things but they make such a big difference! I haven't played much yet so I haven't discovered much yet.

So, why did I buy this game? A friend, Gabriella, wanted to play a game together. She plays WoW but I don't feel much for paying monthly for a game. I read about Guild Wars 2 and liked what I read. I told Gabriella about it and she looked up a lot about the game. She got really excited and the next day she bought the game. I bought it a few hours later. While she struggled with the character creation (she spend hours on that!), I installed my game. It took really long (my computer doesn't like installing stuff... I'm glad he didn't crash...). Aladdin might buy the game too later, to play with us, but he's not sure yet.

For anyone who's interested, we're playing in the realm 'Whiteside Ridge'. We both started with the same race: Sylvari. They are tree-like creatures. Sprouts. When it's dark we glow! On Skyrim I really got addicted to my bow so I decided to become a Ranger on Guild Wars 2. I can use different kind of weapons but I'll stick with a short or long bow. Rangers also have pets with them. I started with a big cat-ish pet first. Meanwhile I already got a second pet, a wolf. I named my cat Merrill (hehehehe) and my wolf Flower (Gabriella picked that one). Gabriella took the Guardian profession. Guardians are protectors and defenders. She uses a staff as weapon.

Screenshots with text... My computer has not such a good graphic card so I put all my settings on low. I'm sure the game looks a lot more beautiful with the settings higher.

This is me! Yes, I'm male. The leopard is mine!


And this is Gabriella! I took this screenshot when we just started.


There are all kinds of different quest. With this quest we had to turn into wolves to comfort other wolves, play with small wolves, dig holes (or something) and smell at dead deer... and more...


This is an example of a boss battle. Almost everyone around helped, then we moved on with our own quests.


At this place there were special plants. When you ate them you became really big. Big Gabriella here!


Through the world there are certain overview points. I took this screenshot from one of those places.


My newest armor.


Oh and you can dance! My character looks really weird when he dances though...


Taking a break.




More coming soon!